Gardening Coaches – Growing Raspberries

Growing Raspberries

Planting your own raspberries is a great way to enjoy this fruit at home. Raspberries are well adapted to California’s cool coastal climate.

When planting raspberries, remember that they require deep, well-drained soils and adequate moisture to produce good crops of berries.

Cultivars are divided into 4 groups by the fruits’ color – red, golden yellow, black or purple. The fruit is closely related to, and for the most part, cultivated like the blackberry, with some notable differences.

The fruit itself is different from the blackberry in that when the fruit is plucked from the plant, the stem stays on the plant and the fruit, or ‘druplets’ separate easily to form a cup-like fruit.

Read the rest of this article here: Gardening Coaches – Growing Raspberries.

What We Do | Bountiful Backyards

Here is a very cool site I ran across – “Bountiful Backyards” – a gardening-for-you- service. They offer packages of gardens for a fixed price of materials and labor.

From their web site:
“We are a worker-owned collective and green enterprise with a mission-based approach to edible landscaping and sustainable food production in residential backyards, neighborhood commons and community gardens.

“Its our strong belief that we should all grow some of our own food, becoming producers as opposed to simply consumers dependent on outside sources that may not always be there.

“Through attainable steps we can engage the social and biological elements that truly sustain us. These simple but thoughtful actions allow us to better understand the value of other workers and farmers also growing food while reducing our ecological impact locally and globally.”

To vist their site, click the link…

What We Do | Bountiful Backyards

The New Worldwide Directory of Gardening Coaches • Index page

This is a gardening related forum, and is meant to be a place the public and gardening coaches to mingle. Gardening coaches will answer your questions, and you can ask them what is puzzling you.

Registration takes only a minute and as soon as you are approved, you will have access to all the forum’s features. If you are a gardening coach, please let me know when you register so I can let you into the private coaches’ lounge…

How to install a drip irrigation system

How to install a drip irrigation system taht will save you water

Here’s a page that shows how to install a water saving drip irrigation system. My garden is using 1/5 of the water it needed before. The page is still under development. Check it out


This site contains interesting stuff I run across relating to gardens, especially Victory and Community Gardens, and with science-based gardening information on when to plant veggies, recommended varieties, plant symptoms and their causes, book and tools, etc..

Click here to visit the Camarillo Community Garden web site or its discussion forum

Click here to visit myGardening Coacheswebsite.

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