Carol Haverty Leads Welcome to the Garden Classes March 13 and 20

Carol Haverty Dispensing Gardening Advice at the EarthDay Celebration Carol Haverty Dispensing Gardening Advice at the EarthDay Celebration

Carol Haverty, Camarillo Garden Guide, presents two brand new ‘Welcome to the Garden’ classes through Pleasant Valley Recreation & Parks District.

The Feb. 20th & 27th class was on ‘Succulents & Companions‘. Carol is locally famous for her succulent extensive collection.

The upcoming March 13th & 20th class will be on the Secrets of Seeds.

Carol Haverty has teamed up with the Pleasant Valley Recreation and Parks District to provide more of her popular ‘Welcome to the Garden’ classes. These classes are intended for new gardeners just learning how to garden as well as anyone with an interest in growing plants to beautify their home.

Carol was one of the first Certified Master Gardeners in Ventura County and is one of Camarillo’s most active garden teachers teaching in location all across the county.

Each of Carol’s classes consist of 2 sessions held one week apart. Both classes are held on Thursdays. They are interactive and require student participation; you’ll be bringing items to class for sharing and project making.

(Past) Class #1: Companion plants for succulents

CarolHavertyGardenThis program was held Feb. 20 and 27. Classes were on two consecutive Thursdays from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m. This 2 meeting class covered succulents and companions suitable for low water landscaping.

Carol says, “Succulent plantings have truly become main stream and more and more gardeners have learned how wonderful these plants perform in our area, both in the garden and in pots.”

There’s more to succulents than Hen-and-Chickens.

Many attractive and easy care plants go well with succulents and share many of their requirements of low water, easy care, and pest free characteristics.gazebp

This class will explore ways to blend these diverse plant groups into your existing designs. These easy to care for plants add to the enjoyment and beauty of your garden, whether in pots or in the ground. Many provide edible and decorative blooms for further enjoyment.

Registration for this classes: or call 482-1996, cost for each 2 class session $29.00. Pleases refer to Catalog # 9041.100 when registering.

(Upcoming) Class #2: Nurturing Seeds

Presented Mar. 13, 20 2014 Thursdays 6:30 -8:00 p.m. this 2 meeting class will cover Seeds:

This class with Carol will make you more confident in planting seeds. You’ll learn which are easy to start, learn the ones that are not so easy and those that are (nearly) impossible to grow.  After you take this class, you will be able to choose those that will give you the greatest success with the least amount of effort and resources.

Babies and seeds have a lot in common; they need TLC big time when they are incubating and first born. As with a child, helping it to adapt and thrive in a scary world takes some dedication and knowledge helps too.  So it is with seeds, many are care free, many are not.

The class will give you lots of tips on short cuts, tools, low cost sequencing that helps your garden babies adapt to being adolescent and then productive adults.  We’ll have fun and share our own personal experiences, some humorous, some sad, but in the long run, we’ll understand how nature works, and when we should not intrude.

You will get an introduction to other propagation methods as we go beyond seeds in this series,.  The class is divided into 2 parts, held on Thursdays. Interactive student participation requires bringing items to class for sharing and project making.

Registration for all classes: or call 482-1996, cost for each 2 class session $29.00. Pleases refer to Catalog # 9041.101 when registering.

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