Drip watering systems

Drip watering systems

With the impending water restrictions, water conservation will become everyone’s biggest gardening problem. Here is a page that describes watering system that will save you water.  The secret is is to use drip tapes or drip lines with pre-installed emitters, spaced 1′ apart, and to lay these tapes at 1′ intervals. This produces a ‘moisture zone’ at the roots of your plants. There may be drier spots on the surface, but below ground the 1′ grid leaves an evenly moist garden bed.

The second part of the secret is to cover the tapes and the beds with a generous layer of mulch. Mulch insulates the soil from drying winds and sun. Not only does this save water, but the mulch reduces the total amount of ewater needed, and by preventing evaporation from the surface, reduces the salt build up at the surface that is common with our alkaline water supply.

Click here to read the full article on how to install Drip Watering Systems.

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