How to build a chicken house

How to build a chicken house

Raising chickens is fun, good for your diet and good for your garden.

Chicken bedding (the straw and manure from the hen house) make super fertilizer, and nothing fires up your compost pile as well and a bucket of chicken droppings.

Click the link below for 60-day free trial on an e-book that shows you in detail how to build a chicken house.

Click here to learn about this book!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Compost Confidential

Joe Lampl’s continuing saga in search of the $25 Victory  Garden.

Joe says’ “The video posted with this blog entry chronicled a period spanning about eight days, finally wrapping up two weeks ago. It chronicles my battle with what I thought was a benign row of Nandina domestica, or as I prefer to say “dumbasstica”. I’ve removed and transplanted my share of these plants in the past, but I just don’t remember them ever being so stubborn to get out of the ground. This video will serve as a perpetual reminder to the contrary!”

Click the link to view the video and read his blog entry.

Compost Confidential

Blogged with the Flock Browser