Central Valley Business Times

This article appeared in today’s Central Valley Business Times. It notes a new direction in California’s agriculture. A web-site address at the bottom of the rticle allows consumers to voice their opinions…

State Senate revamps agriculture committee
SACRAMENTO, January 13, 2009 12:03am
• New emphasis on animal welfare, sustainable farming
• California consumers invited to pull up a chair

The California Senate is sharply revising the goals of its venerable Committee on Food and Agriculture to focus on animal welfare, sustainable farming and the security of the state’s food supply.

The pending reorganization will move forward a committee that was traditionally too narrowly focused on production, say Senate President Pro Tem Darrell Steinberg, D-Sacramento, and Senate Majority Leader Dean Florez, D-Shafter.

They say there will be an emphasis on transparency and consumer education in advancing best practices among producers.

“More Californians are paying close attention to where their food comes from and how healthy it is,” says Mr. Steinberg.“

There is a large and growing movement within the agriculture industry to focus on food products that are produced locally and responsibly that didn’t get the attention it deserved under the old committee format,” adds Mr. Florez. “As we work to reign in sprawl in California and develop sustainable communities, agriculture is a critical component that needs to be addressed.

”The Senate F&A Committee, historically comprised of rural members, will reach out to include urban legislators whose residents are often even greater need of improved access to the fresh fruits and vegetables that are critical to a balance diet, the Democratic leaders say.

As chairman of F&A, Mr. Florez has plans to conduct a number of oversight hearings this year, including:
• An inquiry into how the use synthetic fertilizers was allowed in produce certified as organic,
• A look at the public health impacts of the non-therapeutic use of antibiotics in animals used for food,
• Models of sustainable farming practices for operations large and small,
• How to improve farm animal welfare in California in light of the passage of Proposition 2, and,
• A review of the investigations into E. coli contamination in the state’s leafy greens.

“Eating is an act of faith, and I believe it is the role of government to ensure that this act of faith is well placed,” says Mr. Florez.

A website will be launched in conjunction with the announcement to provide information on the change and encourage public input in policy discussions at http://www.californiasafefood.com.

Central Valley Business Times

Change.org – Ideas for Changing America: Victory Gardens 2.0

Change.org – Ideas for Changing America: Victory Gardens 2.0.

Petition President-Elect Obama to create a Whitehouse Victory Garden. In the 1940’s Elinor Roosevelt grew a Victory Garden at the Whitehouse (against the wishes of the Ag Dept.) and encourages millions of Americans to grow their own food and help win the war by freeing up valuable transportation and food needed for the war effort. Here efforts causes such a response that 3/5s of all American homes had some sort of garden, and homeowners raised 40% of all the food eaten.

We are in as bad a place as we were in the 40’s, so it is time to bring back the concept. The First Family should have the First Garden and help motivate us to have better diets, lower food bills, reduce the fuel burned transporting food.

Please help – click the above link and sign the petition!

Eat the View: The White House Organic Garden Campaign

Support the ‘Eat the View’ campaign to petition the first family to turn the White house lawn into an organic garden. Follow the link below to sign the petition.
The White house has been gardened before, and Elinor Roosevelt had one in the 40’s. Let’s do it again…

Eat the View: The White House Organic Garden Campaign

Small Farm Program: Farmers Markets

Small Farm Program: Farmers Markets
U.S. Agricultural and Natural Resources publications – all you need to know about starting a Certified Farmer’s Market. “In an effort to professionalize management of farmers market, the program has developed several texts intended for farmers market managers. The program also has publications for farmers, related to safety issues at farmers markets.”