Saving the world – one yard at a time!

Hello, every one. I’ve started this blog site to promote sustainable home gardening. Today’s life faces a number of challenges that seem overwhelming at first glance. We suffer from the high cost of food, global warming from burning fossil fuel, toxins and disease in our food supply and our environment, the loss of native habitat to development. We seem to be getting farther and farther from living in harmony with the planet.

Individually, there is little we can do to bring down the price of oil or stop global warming, or guarantee healthy and safe food for our tables. Creating a home garden that is eco-friendly and non-polluting is a logical place to start.

Here in coastal Southern California, we are blessed with year-round growing seasons and soil that is inherantly fertile. This site is devoted to promoting home gardens and gardening practices that reduce the waste sent to a land-fill, toxins released into our water supply, and – here is the biggie – reduce or eliminate the need to buy polluting petrochemical-based fertilizers and toxin and SAVE YOU MONEY!